National Cross Country Final - March 2024
A huge congratulations to Kieran from 6O for competing in the National final of the Cross Country in Leicester. Kieran ran brilliantly, placing in the top 80 out of roughly 280 runners. This fantastic effort contributed to the West Yorkshire team placing 2nd in the whole of England. We are so proud of you Kieran!
Kirklees Recycling Heroes
At the end of October 2023, we were shortlisted for Kirklees Council’s Schools Recycling Hero Award. In November, Miss Thompson and Mrs Swann went to the award ceremony on behalf of the Eco Team and we are delighted to announce that Norristhorpe are WINNERS! Staff were presented with the award by the Mayor of Kirklees.
Well done to the Eco Team for their hard work and dedication to recycling and to all our families who keep bringing in batteries and bottle tops to help us on our recycling journey!
Kirklees celebrates its Recycling Heroes - Kirklees Together
Local Authority Catering Association (LACA) Award
We are delighted to announce that our very own Norristhorpe J&I School Kirklees Catering Team have won the 'Headteacher Award 2020/21' in the Local Authority Catering Association (LACA) Awards in the Yorkshire and Humberside region.
The LACA awards celebrate the best school catering services and acknowledge individuals and teams who continue to make a real difference to school food and education catering. The team here at Norristhorpe certainly do! Well done!!!

We are proud to announce....
Norristhorpe J & I School was awarded the Huddersfield Examiner Schools Award
Primary School of The Year 2017
And our fabulous Learning Mentor, Mrs Dawson, was a finalist in the "Support Staff of the Year" catagory.
At the presentation were Mrs Shaw - Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Newton - Business Manager, Mrs Knowles - Chair of Governors, Mrs Lyles - Head teacher, Mrs Berry - Y2 ETA and Mrs Dawson - Learning Mentor & Lunchtime Manager with two pupils from Year 5 and Year 6.
Please follow the link below for a short video of the presentation.
Below is the article that appeared in the newspaper the following day.