Mrs Lyles Tea Party
A fabulous time was had on Friday 17th May at Mrs Lyles’ tea party, with our pupils who were chosen for demonstrating good sportsmanship. Miss Hodgson led a sensational Macarena session!
French Penpals
Both Year 6 classes have continued exchanging letters with College Jean Lacaze in France. They have used their French knowledge to tell their penpals a bit about themselves. It was exciting to receive letters back with some more information about their penpals and school life in France!
Earth Day
On Monday 22nd April, we all enjoyed sharing our favourite places as part of Earth Day. There were presentations and souvenirs shared of our special places, as well as posters and even some very professional looking videos! Thank you to everyone who contributed. We learned so much about lots of places that are special to Norristhorpe children, including some relatively nearby and others very far away- even as far as New Zealand! We were reminded what amazing places there are in our world and how we should try our best to take care of them.
National Cross Country Final - March 2024
A huge congratulations to Kieran from 6O for competing in the National final of the Cross Country in Leicester. Kieran ran brilliantly, placing in the top 80 out of roughly 280 runners. This fantastic effort contributed to the West Yorkshire team placing 2nd in the whole of England. We are so proud of you Kieran!.
Year 5 Residential Trip to Cliffe House
Year 5 children had a wonderful time making lifelong memories on their first school residential to Cliffe House. The children made the staff extremely proud as they took on new challenges and worked together. They participated in team building, orienteering, mining, climbing, archery and bushcraft activities.

History Visitor
Year 2 had a visitor to their history lesson yesterday who told them all about holidays from the past.
Cross Country semi finals
Two of our Norry cross country runners travelled to Temple Newsam in Leeds for the next round of the Yorkshire Sport Foundation cross country event. Zara in 5M completed the course in 6 minutes and 52 seconds, coming 33rd out of a whopping 147 runners! Kieran in 6O ran the course in 5 minutes and 34 seconds, coming 10th out of 160 runners! Both results are absolutely fantastic, a huge well done to both.
World Thinking Day and Founders Day
Norristhorpe celebrated the Scouts and Guides in our community who are marking World Thinking Day and Founders Day. It was super to see all our Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Squirrels, Beavers and Cubs wearing the uniforms with pride! Mr Luby and Mrs Lyles, both Scouting and Guiding volunteers, led a special assembly sharing the fun and adventure these movements provide and the values of care, community and togetherness they share.
If you child is interested in Guides or Scouts they can find more information and locations of sections locally on the organizations' websites: and
1WH Computing
In computing, 1WH have had fun creating their own slide shows all about ‘Animals’. The children selected images, added new pages and typed information into a text box. Finally the children had the opportunity to present their slide show to their classmates.
FONS Sponsored Pancake Flip
A big thank you to everyone who took part in our sponsored pancake flip yesterday and to our winners from each class! Everyone did amazing!
Just a reminder that sponsor money is to be returned to school by 1st March. Thank you from Team FONS
Year 6 Residential Trip to Kingswood
Year 6 have had a brilliant 3 days at Kingswood! They enjoyed a wide range of activities but they particularly loved climbing, laser quest and the zip line. We are really proud of all the children who faced their fears. A super final residential at Norristhorpe!

All About Animals
In Mrs Walker's 'All About Animals' club on Tuesday, the children made animals out of pipe cleaners, there were lizards, squids, Guinea pigs, snakes, spiders and many more!! What an amazing job they did!
Dragon Egg
A dragon egg hatched in school last weekend. The children arrived on Monday to find that the dragon hatchling had made an awful mess by tipping all the pencils and throwing books on the floor! Pupils though it necessary to write a letter to Mrs Lyles warning her of the damage caused and asking for her help. Check out their creative writing!
Geography Club
Mr Ormondroyd took his after school Geography Club on a walk, looking at local landscape features and wildlife. Everyone had a great time!
Christmas Cards from France
Better late than never! Year 6 were excited yesterday to finally receive Christmas cards from the College Jean Lacaze. They are looking forward to sharing more with their French partners this year and to finding more out about life in France.
Year 1 Road Safety
Year 1 have enjoyed taking part in Road Safety with the Kirklees Road Safety team. The children talked about how to stay safe when walking near a road and practised crossing a road in a role play situation. The children had a great time in the workshop and behaved superbly!
Cross Country - Kirklees Final
In January, our Year 5 and 6 cross country team competed in the Kirklees final.
All our competitors wore the Norristhorpe badge with pride and ran fantastically well with some awesome individual performances.
Big well done to Kieran who came 2nd out of 80 + runners.
We are really proud of our team!
Yesterday Year 4 were visited by 2 ex Norry girls, Miss Jackson and Miss Jackson (Rosie & Pollie!). Pollie is currently working with a VERY special man in the run up to Christmas! As part of her Elf work, she has learned to Makaton sign some favourite Christmas songs. Our children spent time in the affternoon learning the signs and singing along to Jingle Bells, When Santa got Stuck up the Chimney and Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. They are looking forward to signing the songs in our whole school Christmas sing-a-long assembly tomorrow morning. Happy Christmas from year 4
Football Fiesta
𝗡𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗙𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗙𝗶𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗠𝗣𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯After over 100 Games we have finally got a winner
Well Done To Our Year 5 Team who were victorious on penalties
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙨
French link school
Exciting news!
We have created a link with a French School in Toulouse –College Jean Lacaze. Children in Year 6 have written Christmas cards to a group of children and we are looking forward to corresponding with them over the course of the year.
Collège Jean Lacaze (

Sports Hall Athletics
On Wednesday 6th December 2023, a group of athletes from Years 5 and 6 participated in the North Kirklees Primary Sports Hall Athletics at Leeds Road Sports Barn. Despite the cold conditions, the children performed brilliantly in both track and field events. They demonstrated great sportsmanship and, thanks to our new Norry jackets, really looked the part. We eagerly await the results of this event
Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day
On Wednesday 6th December 2023, we have enjoyed Christmas / winter Jumper Day, it was a great success. All the children looked fantastic and we also enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch cooked by our award winning catering team! Here are a selection of photographs.
Year 6 Bikeability
Over the last two weeks our Year 6 pupils have been taking part in Bikeability sessions gaining practical skills and understanding how to cycle safely on today's roads.
Here is what two of our pupils said about their sessions "We really enjoyed bikeability, the people who were teaching us were sympathetic and before we started they checked over our bikes to see if we were safe. Some people did not pass Level 1 - that means they didn't get to ride on the calm roads - but they still had fun in the playground.
In the playground, we played some learning games that were really enjoyable and we learnt how to fix our bikes if they got broken. We also learnt how to change our gears, we learnt many other things as well. Except for one small hill it was fabulous!"
Christmas Video
Yesterday, our former student, Sam Teale of Sam Teale Productions came to record for his Christmas 2023 advertisement. You can watch it here:
Superchute Prize Winners
1WH are the first class to achieve a full super-chute for excellent behaviour and staying on Green Card and having good attendance. Their chosen prize was an episode of a programme, they chose Bluey, and a small muffin. Excellent work 1WH!
Road Safety Campaign
A big thank you to our Year 6 Road Safety Campaigners who have been outside in the cold with Mrs Sweeney and Mr Ormondroyd every day this week to remind drivers not to stop on the zigzags. What a difference it made, the road became so much quieter and safer. We can't be out there every day, so please remember to park safely and keep the road safe for our children. Thank you for all the kind comments every day.
4S Book Club
Our super readers in 4S have completed their Autumn reading challenge! Today in Book Club we introduced the Christmas reading challenge with tasks such as reading under the covers and reading a Christmas book! Two of our top readers opened brand new class books and lucky Lewis opened a very special delivery to class! All children will receive a special reading sticker and chocolate treat when they choose their Christmas mystery read! Well done 4S!
We are Recycling Heroes
At the end of October, we were shortlisted for Kirklees Council’s Schools Recycling Hero Award. Miss Thompson and Mrs Swann went to the award ceremony on behalf of the Eco Team and we are delighted to announce that Norristhorpe are WINNERS! Staff were presented with the award by the Mayor of Kirklees.
Well done to the Eco Team for their hard work and dedication to recycling and to all our families who keep bringing in batteries and bottle tops to help us on our recycling journey!
4MW Starbooks Reading Challenge
It's official.......4MW are superstar readers!! We have successfully completed our Autumn term Starbooks reading challenges. Everyone has worked super hard with their reading homework; the coffee stirrers on the green display show how many challenges have been completed; are you impressed? We are! The children were rewarded with a special sticker and 2 gold chocolate coins each. From now until we break up for the Christmas holidays, the children will be working on their festive red cup challenges. They are really looking forward to reading their books snuggled under a blanket or reading a book with their family or being picked to open the 'pressie' book. Keep up the good work 4MW!
International Artist Day Competition
In our Friday Celebration Assemblies, Mrs Hayer and her art ambassadors: Eshaan and Riley from Year 6, announced the winners of the International Artist Day competition.
Each year group was given a different internationally known artist to use as inspiration to create a unique and creative work of art. Mrs Hayer was thrilled with the enthusiasm with which so many children took on the challenge, but this made choosing one winner from each year group a little too difficult for Mrs Hayer and her team! There were 3D sculptures, collages, drawings, paintings, mixed media works and even a cake!
With so many fantastic pieces to choose from, the team chose not just one winner but at least one runner up entry for each year group, with all winners receiving a prize of art materials.
Congratulations to all the entrants and their family helpers, it was great to see that so many of you made it a team effort.
Cross Country
On 2nd November we took 12 cross country runners to the Kirklees Final at Leeds Road Playing Fields. They performed absolutely brilliantly, achieving some impressive results and demonstrating outstanding resilience and sportsmanship. Well done Team Norry!