Subject Overview

Please click to view our Progression of Knowledge and Skills in Maths. This shows what we want our children to learn in Maths at Norristhorpe
Here at Norristhorpe we have created a Mathematics curriculum that will help the pupils develop into confident and competent mathematical thinkers who will be able to use maths in real life situations.
A Norristhorpe mathematician will acquire and develop a variety of mathematical skills which will enable them to become: fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; have the ability to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their mathematical knowledge and skills. We intend that pupils have a secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts and principles; are confident in their application and are fluent in the recall of basic mathematical facts which they can apply across the curriculum.
The Mathematics National Curriculum outlines three aims:
- become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
- can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
At Norristhorpe our Maths lessons take into account the Mastery approach, closely following White Rose Maths to develop understanding of mathematical concepts and ideas using real world applications. Differentiation is by depth and dependent on the challenge for the individual pupil so they develop confidence in the concrete, pictorial and abstract representation of a concept.
The National Curriculum organises the Mathematics attainment targets under nine strands:
- Number and Place Value
- Number – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Number – Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
- Ratio and Proportion
- Algebra
- Measurement
- Geometry – Property of shape
- Geometry- Position and direction
- Statistics
Our approach to learning and teaching mathematics is built on the idea of a cumulative curriculum, where concepts and ideas are introduced and explored with all pupils and time is then taken to ensure a depth of understanding. This is achieved using a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, pairs and group work including practical hands-on and computer based tasks. This variety of strategies aims for lessons to be engaging and appeal to all learners.
At Norristhorpe, Mathematics is taught daily for one hour in Year 1 upwards with additional time allocated to arithmetic skills. Flashback 4 is a method used throughout school to ensure learning is revisited regularly to allow pupils to retain knowledge.
The impact of our Mathematics curriculum is constantly monitored through formative and summative assessment opportunities. Assessment for learning opportunities are exploited in the moment during lessons. Each unit of work concludes with an assessment. At the end of each term Reception and Keystage 1 are awarded teacher assessments; Years 3, 4 and 5 complete NFER tests which inform teacher assessments and Year 6 complete past SAT papers which inform teaching and learning.
Pupils learn to discuss and reason mathematical problems to enable them to become resilient and competent mathematical thinkers.
Through repetition, encouragement and celebration, pupils will develop a ‘can do’ attitude towards mathematics.
Useful Documents
Welcome to the Maths areas of our website where you can find lots of interesting and useful information about Mathematics.
At Norristhorpe we consider it really important for children to enjoy maths.
We have a ‘can do ‘ attitude towards Maths because it’s important that children have the confidence to have a go and believe in themselves.