Online Safety Parent Information
Snapchat and Snapmap Advice
Snapchat allows users to send and receive time limited photos and images that should automatically delete after being viewed. However some images can be saved and replayed. It has an age restriction of 13 and should only be used by 13-17 year olds with parental permission. However, we are aware that it is becoming more popular with younger children. Parents and children responding to a NSPCC survey have reported issues with bullying and access to violent and inappropriate content.
The Safer Internet Centre provides an overview for parents about Snapchat, as do the NSPCC's Net Aware.
Common Sense Media App Guide also provides practical information about the app.
Snapchat has a new feature called Snap Maps that allows users to see the location of people they are friends with on the app. This would allow someone to build up a picture of where a user lived, went to school or spent their free time.
This feature can be set to ‘ghost mode’ so only the user (not their friends) can see their location. To do this click the setting button – the cog – click ‘see my location’ and select ‘Ghost Mode’
Further information about this new feature is available from ChildNet; advice on other social media and other online safety issues is available below.

Year 5 children learning about sharing online content during Safer Internet Day.
Social Networking Safety Guides
Most Social Networking websites have age restrictions. Facebook and Twitter for example are 13. Whatsapp is 16.
However, the latest OFCOM Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes report (2006) noted that over 1 in 5 (23%) of 8-11 year olds have a social media account, with 43% of 11 year olds having an account. Many children are using these websites well into the evening and even as late as 10pm.
If your child is using social media, despite the risks this presents, it is vital their privacy and security settings are managed to minimise the risk as much as possible.
CEOP (Child Explortation and Online Protection Centre), part of the National Crime Agency, have produced a series of documents to guide parents.
The Safer Internet Centre also produce guidance for parents for social media on their website.
In association with Childnet, there is also a leaflet for parents on social media:
Internet Filters
Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have content filtering; filters will help to block most inappropriate websites for all devices connected to your home wifi. The UK Safer Internet Centre has a series of information videos on how to enable filters for the major ISPs:
Virgin Media
Remember: internet filters will block most inappropriate website but not everything. Remember that encouraging open conversations with children about their internet use is just as important.
Further Advice
Many of the websites mentioned in the Safer Internet Day Factsheet are a great reference point for parents. In particular, we would recommend: The CEOP website for parents, also with resources for children and young people. This website has detailed support for parents, including conversations starters and guidance for tablets, gaming and other new technologies. A non-profit organisation working in partnership with others around the world, including resources from the UK Safer Internet Centre to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.
Digital Parenting magazine, from Parent Zone and Vodafone, has lots of useful advice. A new collaboration between CEOP and ParentZone. The latest Parent Zone information is available below.
There are also some further factsheets from these websites below: