Norristhorpe Together - School Ethos and Aims

At Norristhorpe J&I School our over-riding aim is to create a happy, stimulating and positive environment in which children can flourish. We believe all children are entitled to develop to their fullest potential enabling them to grow in confidence and fostering a lifelong love of learning. We equip our pupils with the tools to succeed, both now and in the future.
The following aims act in support of our ethos:
- The school will have a warm and friendly atmosphere for all who work within it and for visitors. We aim to help children to learn that courtesy, good manners and consideration for others are very important qualities. We encourage children to work together and to be generous with their friendship.
- The school curriculum will be broad, balanced, coherent and relevant. Staff will have high expectations of pupils and the children will always be encouraged to work to the fullest extent of their capabilities in all aspects of the curriculum.
- We will celebrate success and help EVERY child to discover their strengths . We encourage children to work hard, persevere and aim high.
- There will be an important emphasis placed upon the child's personal development, valuing each child as an individual. Self-discipline, self-esteem and self-motivation are encouraged. We encourage children to take pride in their achievements, their presentation of their work and appearance.
- We work together closely as a team to provide a quality learning environment for our children where children can be self-sufficient and independent. We aim to raise achievement through active independent learning and the vital support of parents, encouraging two-way communication and partnership.
- We will help pupils develop personal, spiritual and moral values, an understanding of religion and beliefs, a tolerance for others and their ways of life, promoting an equality of opportunities for all.