Governing Body Pen Portraits

Meet the Governing Body

Diane McConnell, Chair, Co-Opted Governor
- Current Term - 24.11.2021 - 23.11.2025
- Curriculum and Standards Committee (chair), Resources Committee, Website Compliance, SEN, Link Governor for Maths, Head Teacher Appraisal Committee
I started my teaching career in a Manchester comprehensive school in 1975. After returning to Liversedge in the early 1980s I began teaching mathematics at Liversedge Secondary School, which later became Spen Valley High School. In 2001 I became Deputy Headteacher and remained at the school until I retired in 2016. After retiring I spent two summers on a small Greek island looking after my young grandson, Brodie, while my daughter worked as a hotel manager.
I retain a strong interest in education and the teaching of mathematics in particular, and Norristhorpe is special to me as my two children attended the school in the 1980s.
My other interests include walking, travel, knitting, reading, theatre and ballet and spending time with family and friends, especially my grandson.

Adrian Cresswell, Co-opted Governor
- Current Term - 5.6.21 to 4.6.25
- Curriculum and Standards Committee, Head Teacher Appraisal Committee, Early Years and Premiums Governor, Link Governor for Art, ECTs and PSHE
I am from Bradford. As a boy I attended Cardinal Hinsley Grammar School in Tong. I am BSc(Hons) graduate from The University of Sheffield and I have the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH). I was a teacher for 34 years and retired in 2017. I started my career in Bradford, then Cleckheaton and finally Hartshead. I was Head or Deputy for over 20 of those years and I have been a governor in all three schools. I am also a veteran of 7 Ofsted inspections! I was the SENCo at Hartshead alongside being the Head for 4 years.
I am married with two grown up boys. My wife, Liz is the Director of the Valley Learning Partnership. Both my children are History graduates. My eldest son Joseph is a corporate lawyer in the City of London. Sean is an Account Manager at Havas Media in King's Cross, London.
I am a keen sportsman and have swapped rugby and cricket for league tennis for Cleckheaton in recent years. I am a Bradford Bulls supporter and watch as much test match cricket as I can. I love the theatre and I am a patron of The Leeds Grand Theatre. I am a keen traveller and I enjoy eating out.
I believe schools belong at the heart of their community, educating the children to be valuable members of that community. Excellent schools educate the whole child and prepare them to become happy, healthy and productive in their adult life. I see Norristhorpe as a fantastic example of such a school. I am proud to be asked to serve on the governing body and I hope I can contribute, in some small way, to its continued success.

Donna Ellis, Co-opted Governor
- Current Term - 24.11.21 to 23.11.25
- Resources Committee (Chair), Head Teacher Appraisal, Equality and Attendance Governor, Link Governor for DT and Music
I’m thrilled to be a co-opted Governor at Norristhorpe, having initially joining the team as a parent Governor in November 2013. I’m dedicated to working with the Norristhorpe team to ensure we maximise resources and facilities, so that all children have every opportunity and the support required to be the best they can be.
I have worked as an Accountant in the Financial Services sector for 25 years, undertaking Audit, Risk Management and Change Management roles and I’m currently the Assistant Finance Director at a local high school.
I’m mum to two children who both attended Norristhorpe and are now at high school, I enjoy spending time with my family and supporting my children with their numerous activities - football, cricket, dancing and musical theatre. Also, I enjoy walking and going to the theatre.

Claire Lyles, Head Teacher, Ex-Officio Governor
- Curriculum and Standards Committee, Resources Committee
I have been a School Governor for 15 years now. I was a Governor at the last school I worked in where I was Deputy and later, Acting Headteacher. I am also a Governor at a Primary Academy within the Wakefield area.
Throughout my career I have taught across the primary phase and have led most subjects and Key Stages. I was predominantly a Key Stage 2 (Junior) teacher.
I was brought up and educated locally in Kirklees schools and have taught in various primaries across the Local Authority. I thoroughly enjoy my role at Norristhorpe and have worked here longer than all the other schools added together!
I am keen to work with the Governing Body to help move our school to ‘Outstanding’. I believe we are making great strides towards this goal. I feel privileged to work with such fantastic children, staff, parents, Governors and wider community.
I am passionate about children’s happiness and are keen for children to enjoy and embrace their time in our school. I believe that if pupils are happy and safe, we can support them to be the best they can be. I place a huge emphasis on pupils’ effort and expect them to always try their best. Similarly, I expect pupils to be a good person and to get on well with others. I feel these life skills give them a great grounding for a positive future.
Outside of school, I am married and have two young children. I enjoy days out as a family, shopping, eating out and going on holidays.

- Current Term - 18.05.22 - 17.05.2026
- Curriculum and Standards Committee
I am currently a Year 6 teacher at Norristhorpe School. I started my career here as an NQT in 2018, as a Year 3 teacher. I lead History across the whole school.
I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I studied at Huddersfield New College as I began to volunteer in various schools local to where I grew up, in my free periods. I studied Early Primary Education (QTS) at Northumbria University, in Newcastle, for 3 Years. I specialised in mathematics but having always been an active individual, I was also interested in P.E.
I enjoy being active out of work, attending the gym multiple times a week and going on walks with my dog. This may be controversial… but I am a Huddersfield Town supporter. From a young age, I have followed Town (I had a season ticket for many years) and I still attend matches frequently.
I thoroughly enjoy my job at Norristhorpe and am keen to work with the Governing Body on the school’s journey to be ‘Outstanding’.

Vicky Shea, Co-opted Governor
- Current Term 28.3.21 to 27.3.25
- Curriculum and Standards Committee (Chair)
This is my second experience of being on a Governing Body, as I was a Staff Governor at my previous school.
I am Assistant Headteacher of Lower School, which means that I lead Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. I lead French across Key Stage 2 and am also an SLE (Specialist Leader in Education) for Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Teachers. I have also been a Key Stage 1 Moderator for the Local Authority.
I thoroughly enjoy working at Norristhorpe and as a Governor and teacher I am keen to make sure the school continues its journey from ‘Good’ to ‘Outstanding’.
I have previously taught at Millbridge J, I & N School, Crossley Fields J & I School, where I was Year 2 Leader and spent time as Acting Assistant Head teacher and also Crowlees J & I School where I was English Co-ordinator.
Outside of school I love spending time with my family and friends, going out for meals and shopping.

Jack Mitchell, LA Governor
- Curriculum and Standards Committee, Link Governor for Geography and Phonics
- Current Term 24.01.24 to 23.01.28
I have been involved in the governing role for over 5 years with Norristhorpe now. I worked alongside other leaders in education and I am currently taking up the post of Deputy Headteacher in a North Yorkshire school.
Throughout my journey in education, I have worked in most year groups across the primary phase. I am passionate about developing a staff team which delivers the most positive outcomes for pupils. When a school’s culture and environment is as its best, the children thrive and Norristhorpe truly demonstrates this; the leaders, staff and governing board have been unrelenting in their pursuit of greatness and a tour of the school truly shows this.
I am proud to serve my part in Norristhorpe’s incredibly journey and would encourage any stakeholders to see the magic that happens here.
Outside of school, I enjoy days out with those closest to me, going to the gym and travelling as much as I can.

Laura Hall, Parent Governor
- Current term - 16.11.2022 to 15.11.2026
- Resources Committee, Looked After Children, Safeguarding and Child Protection
I am very proud to hold the role of elected parent Governor at Norristhorpe.
I live in Mirfield with my Husband and our two daughters, aged 6 and 4 who are both pupils at Norristhorpe. I have a vested interest in supporting the school to provide an excellent and well-rounded education for all pupils (both present and those still to come).
I have been a Police Officer with West Yorkshire Police for 17 years and I currently work in Safeguarding specialising in non-recent serious sexual offence investigations.
I feel that my skills and knowledge around safeguarding hold me in good stead which is why I put myself forward as the lead Governor in the areas of safeguarding, child protection and looked after children.
I have extensive experience of working closely with partner agencies and understand the importance of working together to influence and drive positive change.
Being a full-time working mum with two children, I am truly passionate and have a desire to ensure that every child gets the best possible education and opportunity to succeed in life. I have a strong belief in giving all children the maximum opportunity to discover their full potential through education as well as extra curriculum activities, whatever their background.
Out of work, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I also have a real passion for keeping fit and running.
I am looking forward to developing myself in this role and further supporting the school as parent Governor. I feel that a lot of my skills and abilities are transferable to the role, and I am eager to help steer the direction of the school for years to come.

Katie Bordman, Co-opted Governor
- Current term - 16.11.2022 to 15.11.2026
- Curriculum and Standards Committee, Link Governor for Computing and PE
I am a mother of two, my eldest is now at University and is making the most of his student life in Newcastle and my youngest is in Year 1 at Norristhorpe. I especially enjoy spending time with my husband and family, having children with a 15 year age gap certainly keeps us busy. From spending time at swimming and dancing lessons and play gyms to attending various sporting events as well as hosting their friends most weekends. I enjoy travelling with family, going to the theatre, seeing comedians and anything that involves food with friends.
I have been teaching for 18 years now and work in a local primary school. I currently teach Year 4 and I am the leader of PE and Science. I always knew that I wanted a job where every day would be completely different. After graduating with my teaching degree, I applied for the fire service and was accepted onto their training programme. The plan was to teach for a few years then move into a different part of the public sector. Whilst feeling nostalgic about that plan now and again, nothing could offer the same job satisfaction as seeing children make progress and develop their maturing personalities with my guidance. I have also previously been a Key Stage Leader and Deputy Head but stepped down from both roles to spend more time teaching in the classroom.
I wanted to join the Governing Body at Norristhorpe to not only offer my support as a parent, but to share good practice and lend an understanding ear to the fantastic staff. Norristhorpe is an amazing school and I am excited to be joining them on their journey to ‘Outstanding’.

Joe Rotchell, Vice Chair, Co-opted Governor
- Current term - 16.11.2022 to 15.11.2026
- Vice Chair, Resources Committee, Wellbeing, Link Governor for Science
I grew up locally and have lived in Norristhorpe since 2008 with my wife Lucy. Our two children attend Norristhorpe and love going to school here. I want to help the school to continue to be a place that children can thrive in and that they look forward to attending, as a recently elected co-opted governor I am in a good position to be able to do that. I expect the role to be challenging but have already received brilliant support from the school and the governing body members.
I have been a police officer for 15 years. I have worked in a number of departments including a training/education posting through which I gained qualifications in teaching adults. My current main role is supervising a team of officers and planning and managing large scale search operations. This centres around missing people and major crime. There are a number of skills I have learned through my career that I can bring to the governor role. I hope to use these skills, along with my time and experience to the benefit of the school, the staff and most importantly the pupils.
Outside of work I have a keen interest in outdoor activities including walking, running, paddle boarding, kayaking and rugby union. I also enjoy spending time reading, writing and doing woodwork.

Emma Griffiths, Co-opted Governor
- Current term - 04.07.23 to 03.07.27
- Curriculum and Standards Committee, Link Governor for English
I am a mum of two children, my son who left Norristhorpe in July 2023. He is enjoying high school and continues to remember his years at Norristhorpe as a very happy time. My daughter is in Year 5 and loves coming to school. Both children have attended from Reception and as parents we thoroughly love the small community type feeling and the important school motto ‘Norristhorpe Together’. It feels like a big supportive family.
My main reason for becoming a Governor is to provide support and as a parent I am excited that I can hopefully can be a part of their journey to becoming an Outstanding school. I am looking forward to spending time within the school and especially time within the classroom setting. I have seen firsthand the wonderful teaching when my children were in Reception by attending the look and learn sessions. My children are loving their time here at Norristhorpe.
I have been a Qualified Veterinary Nurse for over 20 years. I work for a large veterinary charity providing veterinary care for pets whose owners can’t afford the full cost of their veterinary treatment. I Team Lead 10 nurses. I don’t have an educational background within a school setting, but within my job role I am responsible for the training of student nurses. I teach and assess their clinical skills. I am also part of a team responsible for clinical audits and quality assurance. Showing how we can change various working procedures and protocols to make sure our daily practice runs smoothly and efficiently as it can. I help with the standarised training of all individuals that take a position with us. All this helps to make a great working team.
In my spare time you’ll find me weight training and attending Pilates. We love family walks with our Cockapoo Nellie. Eating out, theatre trips, shopping and I do love a sunny holiday destination. Above all making those all-important family memories. I am really looking forward to the new challenge and experience being a Governor will bring.

Mark Boocock, Parent Governor
- Current term - 04.07.23 to 03.07.27
- Resources Committee, Link Governor for MFL and Wellbeing
Hello, my name is Mark. I am privileged to have been accepted as a Governor at Norristhorpe J&I School. I am a Dad of two girls; Emaline and Genevieve.
I worked in the NHS for 24 years, dealing largely with corporate and clinical risk and more recently employed in the National Medical Director’s office at NHS England. I have a legal background in healthcare and have worked regularly with Courts, Coroners and the legal industry in managing claims and inquests for various NHS providers and commissioners. I am passionate about the public sector and the fabulous work done across all aspects of the sector. Now I work for a charity called Howlands in Dewsbury. We facilitate arts and crafts sessions and other social events for people with physical and/or mental health challenges and for those who are suffering with loneliness, are isolated and/or marginalised from their local communities. My main role is to seek out and secure funding and grants. I am really enjoying the role as it heightens my passion to make a difference and engages my understanding of the diverse world we live in.
I am severely sight impaired, so you may see me walking with a long white cane at drop-off or pick-up times and I am lucky to have survived a stroke in 2019. Both these lived experiences have introduced me to communities that are striving to improve the experience of disabled people. I am currently engaged with the local NHS Integrated Care Board to support co-production of services to support stroke survivors. I am keen to continue to encourage change in how we live so that difference or diversity is no longer an issue for anyone.
Away from work I am a staunch Bradford City fan, am currently enjoying discovering new music and am rekindling my passion for reading. I also like to garden where time allows and am at my best in nature, surrounded by trees.
I look forward to further learning and growth in this role as Governor and hope to add value to the collective work of pupils, staff and parents in the excellent delivery of education and general life experience at the school.

Lynne Thompson, Co-Opted Governor
- Current term - 09.10.24 to 08.10.28
- Curriculum and Standards Committee, Link Governor for RE, SEND and British Values
Hello! I am a retired teacher and have been a part of the Norristhorpe family, in one way or another, since 1999. I originally joined the school as an educational teaching assistant and then was privileged to teach at Norristhorpe, for 17 years, mainly in Years 1,2,3 and 4. Everyone who works at Norristhorpe is dedicated to providing the children with the best experience of school life and are lovely people. It was a wonderful time and over the years, I have taught fabulous children and met great parents, some of whom I am still in touch with.
In the past, I have served as Staff Governor and prior to that, when my children were young, I was a parent governor at Roberttown School for a number of years. My own sons came here for work experience and they both felt welcome and enjoyed their time here.
My main reason for becoming a Governor again is to provide support and as a former member of staff, to give something back to the school, as well as keeping in touch, where I have made many happy memories. Whilst teaching at Norristhorpe, I was the RE Coordinator and also had responsibility for Assemblies, British Values and SMSC, so I am looking forward to being able to bring my experience to help, if and when required.
Retirement has meant that I now have a little more time to volunteer, which is another reason for becoming a governor.
In my spare time you might see me walking around Roberttown, trying to keep fit. I enjoy gardening, reading and am currently helping to update the RE Curriculum with Pennine Learning.
I am really looking forward to the new challenges that being a Governor will bring. I hope that I can do the position justice and be an asset to the school.

Kay Newton, Observer
- Resources Committee
I have been the School Business Manager at Norristhorpe since April 2014, the third school I have held the position in. My background prior to this is in Financial Services in private industry. I am proud to be part of the team at Norristhorpe and enjoy working alongside our Governors to ensure that every Norristhorpe child receives a first class education.
Outside of school I am a mother of three, all sporty, and so spend a large part of my free time supporting them in their interests. When not at the side of a pitch of some description, I love to travel and enjoy cooking and entertaining.