School Results

Our 2023-24 Data
Our 2022-23 Data
Our pupils therefore made significantly more progress than the national average in Reading and Mathematics.
Explaining the Progress Score
Most schools will have progress scores between −5 and +5. If a school has a progress score of 0 this means that on average their pupils achieved similar results at the end of KS2 (end of year 6) to pupils in other schools with similar results at the end of KS1 (end of year 2). If a school has a positive progress score this means that on average their pupils made more progress than pupils in other schools with similar results at the end of KS1.
A negative score doesn’t mean a school has failed or pupils have made no progress. It just means that on average their pupils have made less progress than pupils in other schools with similar results at the end of KS1.
For example, a school with a mathematics progress score of -4 would mean that, on average, pupils in this school achieved 4 scaled score points lower in the Key Stage 2 mathematics test than other pupils with similar prior attainment nationally.
Explaining the Confidence Interval
Because of the relatively small number of children completing assessments, compared to the national picture the government produce confidence intervals - the bounds where a similar cohort at the same school could lie.
If the lower bound of the school’s confidence interval is greater than zero, it can be interpreted as meaning that the school has achieved greater than average progress compared to pupils with similar starting points nationally. Similarly, if the upper bound is below zero, then the school has made less than average progress. Where a confidence interval overlaps zero, this means that the school’s progress score is not significantly different from the national average.
Data for previous years can be found here.