Our Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent Statement
The curriculum at Norristhorpe J&I School has been devised to foster a life-long love of learning where each and every pupil is encouraged and challenged to be the best that they can be. For more information please contact the school office.
The National Curriculum is our starting point; in each subject work is planned sequentially to stimulate and engage all learners. We are ambitious and have high expectations; our pupils work hard, develop resilience and take pride in all they do.
We carefully map out the key knowledge and skills across the primary curriculum to ensure it is relevant, cumulative and achieves progression, preparing pupils for their secondary school experience and ultimately for life in modern Britain.
The foundation of our academic curriculum is built upon the belief that pupils will truly thrive when they are safe, secure and happy and as such great emphasis is placed on pupils’ wellbeing.
Our Core Values encapsulate our aspirations for all pupils.
Our Golden Threads
Our seven ‘Golden Threads’ run all the way through our curriculum and are based on our Norristhorpe Core Values. They articulate the aims that we have for each of our Norristhorpe learners.

Our Golden Threads will:
- Develop strong, confident learners who are resilient in the face of adversity.
- Enable pupils to develop independence; both in self-care and in their learning.
- Develop individuals who collaborate and work together to solve problems.
- Develop pupils who have high aspirations and to support them to embrace a life-long love of learning.
- Equip our pupils with the reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills that they will require in the next stage of their educational journey.
- Develop pupils who are proud of the school, the area they live in and can contribute positively to fundamental British Values.
- Develop individuals who can express themselves fluently and grammatically in speech; having the vocabulary to say what they want to say.
What do we want Our children to learn at Norristhorpe?
Our 'Progression of Knowledge and Skills' documents outline what we want children to know and learn at Norristhorpe.
Subject Leaders
Art |
Mrs Sweeney |
Design Technology |
Miss Taylor |
French |
Mrs Shea |
Geography |
Mr Ormondroyd |
History |
Miss Hoyle |
Computing |
Mr Luby |
English |
Mrs Sweeney / Miss Stoyles |
Maths |
Miss Woodcock / Mrs Mendum |
Music |
Mrs Wharton |
P.E. |
Miss Hodgson |
Science |
Miss North |
Mrs Hird |
R.E. |
Miss Thompson |
Collective Worship (including British Values) |
Mrs Wakefield |
Oracy |
Mrs Bailey |