Useful Website Links

On this page you will find a list of websites with great activities for supporting learning at home. Please check this page regularly as NEW resources will be added when we can.
We've also indicated some key resources using the lightbulb emoji.
- Resources for All Subjects (NEW Content)
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
- History
- Georgraphy
- Computing (NEW Content)
- Languages
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Music
- NEW Parent Info
Resources for All Subjects
Our key recommendations are Purple Mash, Oak National Academy, BBC Bitesize, White Rose Maths, TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed.
Norristhorpe: Live KS1 KS2 Join us for our live lessons for classes at home. Look out for the timetable of lesson released weekly, along with links on our class blogs and Facebook
Purple Mash EYFS KS1 KS2 - Pupils can access their usual accounts from home to access a wide range of resources and activities across the curriculum. Keep checking regularly, as teacher may be setting new 2Do activities to complete and hand in - you're welcome to try any of the other tools and resources from this really really valuable resource.
Don't forget to check the class blog frequently.
Oak National Academy EYFS KS1 KS2 - This resource has been created by 40 teachers from across England and will provide 180 video lessons each week, across a broad range of subjects from maths to art to languages, for every year group from Reception through to Year 10.
BBC Bitesize EYFS KS1 KS2 - Daily online lessons in Maths, English and other subjects created in collaboration with teachers and other education experts. From Monday to Friday, Bitesize Daily lessons will be available on the red button between 9.00am and 10am for Primary pupils and available afterwards on the iPlayer. Each lesson lasts 20 minutes and will be delivered by experts, teachers and some very familiar faces from the world of TV, sport and beyond. There are also resources from across the BBC, including BBC Sounds. This week’s Bitesize TV programmes are listed below:
DFE Resources EFYS KS1 KS2 The Department for Education have collated a list of resources for English, Maths, Scicence, PE and wellbeing, as well as resources for SEND. There are resources for Primary and Secondary children.
- BBC Bitesize KS1 KS2 - The BBC are providing and updating resources to support learners during school closures. Further details are available on our learning letters.. Parents may find and (which includes EYFS resources) useful.
- Learn @ Home with Youtube - EYFS KS1 KS2 - resource videos curated by Google.
- Third Space Learning - Home Learning Guidance - KS1 KS2 website with a large range of guides for parents on teaching maths lessons at home plus home learning packs.
- Premier League Primary Stars KS1 KS2 - free resources for Maths, English, Physical Activity, Health and Wellbeing from the Premier League.
- Secret Classroom - KS1 KS2 resources are free during school closures.
- CBBC Newsround - KS2 Keep up to date with recent events with this invaluable child friendly resource.
- Manchester Children's University KS2 resources for several subjects, including Science, History, Languages and Art & Design.
- Mathematics
White Rose Maths Home Learning EYFS KS1 KS2 The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five brand new maths lessons for each year group from Years 1-8. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully. White Rose Lessons have been redesigned to complement the BBC Bitesize lesson plans and prepare children for their next school year. Additional worksheets are included in lessons for weeks 1-2 and then will be made available on our school website from week 3 onwards. There are also additional Early Years resources.
- See also White Rose's Tips for Everday Maths at Home.
- Times Table Rock Stars KS1 KS2 Pupils can use their existing logins to access these resources.
- Numbots EYFS KS1 Activities to support addition and subtraction. Pupils can use their existing logins. (Note the logins for TT Rockstars and Numbots are the same.
- Top Marks - EYFS KS1 KS2 Games and activities - many of which are compatible of different tablets.
- My Mini Maths KS2 - Maths packs for home learning.
- Ten Town EYFS KS1 Ten Town is an Early Year's numeracy scheme designed to improve number recognition and formation. Meet King One, Fiona Five, Sir Seven and all their Ten Town friends as they bring numbers alive in exciting animations, games, activities.
- CBeebies Numeracy EYFS KS1.
- CBeebies Numberblocks EYFS KS1 Fantastic videos introducing young learners to number.
- BBC Bitesize, Twinkl and Purple Mash (see above) have several resources for Maths for KS1 and KS2.
- The Literacy Shed - KS1 KS2 Interesting videos to support reading and writing.
Spelling Shed - EYFS KS1 KS2 pupils can use their logins to practice spellings, complete assignments, see lists made by teachers and create their own practice lists.
- Popple 365 KS1 KS2 Popple share an interesting image every day to support children's curiousity, vocabulary and writing.
- Book Ideas Hub KS1 KS2 A range of reading related activities including classes led by authors and illustrators, fee audiobooks and craft ideas.
- Plazoom KS1 KS2 - Free Learning Packs for Years 5/6, 3/4, 2 and 1
- Youtube - Reading Books Aloud EYFS KS1 - Authors reading children's books.
- Youtube - Illustrator Drawing Playlists KS1 KS2 - Draw a character alongside a popular illustrator.
- Phonics Play EYFS KS1 - resources for supporting phonics. See also their comics,
- Teach Your Monster to Read KS1 KS2 - support for decoding to reading full sentences. The website version is free, and there is also an app available.
- Oxford Owl EYFS KS1 KS2 - free, age levelled ebooks. See also their maths resources .
- Letters and Sounds EYFS KS1 - phonics resources.
- BBC Bitesize, Twinkl and Purple Mash (see above) have several resources for English for KS1 and KS2.
- Speak Link EYFS KS1 SEN - https://speechandlanguage.
info/parents/activities - NEW Supersonic Phonic Friends our updated phonics scheme.
- Manchester Children's University KS2 resources for Science topics.
- BBC Bitesize, Twinkl and Purple Mash (see above) have several resources for Science for KS1 and KS2.
- Sing Up has KS1 resources on animals and life cycles and KS2 resources on Planets and Trees - these are on our Sing Up Home Learning page.
- BBC Terrific Scientific KS2 - Terrific Scientific brings science to the heart of your teaching with fantastic investigations and exciting resources linked to the curriculum.
- BBC Bitesize, Twinkl and Purple Mash (see above) have several resources for History for KS1 and KS2.
- The History Association is exploring making resources available - further details will be updated in due course.
- BBC Bitesize, Twinkl and Purple Mash (see above) have several resources for Geography for KS1 and KS2.
- Met Office KS2 - Resources and activities based around weather, prediction and climate.
- Google's Be Internet Legends Interland KS2 This game supports the learning we are doing in school.
Be Internet Legends Legendary Learner Pack KS2 - Supporting the learning we are doing in Years 4 and 5, the pack has a series of activities for keeping children entertained (and safe) whilst away from school. Our resources are:
- NEW Be Internet Legends have also launched a new KS2 Internet Wellbeing Pack:
- Hour of Code - EYFS KS1 KS2 - fantastic resource for learning code for all year groups.
- Scratch - KS1 KS2 opportunities for children to create your own code.
- BBC Bitesize, (see above) has several resources for Computing for KS1 and KS2.
Purple Mash (see above) is a key resource, with coding activities for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 and a free code area for children to make their own ideas. 2Code, 2Type and 2DIY3D are key resources , along with lots of Online Safety resources.
- Think You Know EYFS KS1 KS2 Online Safety Resources from CEOP, complementing the Jessie and Friends work we do in EYFS and KS1 and Play, Like, Share in Year 3 and beyond.
- Parents should also visit the specific parent's site for support and advice on Online Safety whilst school is closed.
- A factsheet for parents is available from CEOP here.
- Links to the Jessie and Friends videos for EYFS and KS1 and the related workbooks are available here and will be on our website shortly. We have watched these with children in school and watching these at home too would be a great benefit.
- Links for Play, Like, Share for KS2 are available here (with a parent's guide here). Year 3 have watched the first video but all KS2 classes would benefit from this resource.
Think You Know also have some brand new Home Learning Packs, with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at home. The packs are available for:
- BBC Own It Upper KS2 - Support for older children in using technology and dealing with issues, including an app to allow children to take control and make smart online decisions.
- BBC Bitesize and Twinkl (see above) have several resources for French for KS1 and KS2.
- Duolingo - KS2 website and free apps providing language learning.
- Go Noodle EYFS KS1 KS2 - dance and exercise activities - see also their resources on Youtube.
- The Body Coach EFYS KS1 KS2 - workout videos for children.
- Sports England KS1 KS2 Advice on staying active whilst at home.
- BBC Supermoves KS1 KS2 - Fun curriculum linked resources to get children moving while they learn in English, Maths and PSHE.
- NATRE KS1 KS2 - The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education is regularly updating resources for KS1 and KS2.
- NATRE also have an exciting RE art project you can take part in at home, called Spirited Arts and Spirited Poetry You can find out further infomation about the competition here.
- BBC Bitesize, Twinkl and Purple Mash (see above) have several resources for RE for KS1 and KS2.
- Random Acts of Kindness KS1 KS2 EYFS Ways we can also support each other during this challenging time and beyond.
Thank you to Musica Kirklees for support with these links.
- Musica Kirklees Youtube Channel KS1 KS2 - Lots of useful videos for instrumentalists and other music tips, with regular updates.
- Charanga Pupils can use their own logins or use this link to access the general login details (please do not change the password for the general account).
Join us for our singing assembly on Wednesdays or watch later on Youtube
- Sing Up Home Schooling EFYS KS1 KS2 - Sing Up have relaunched their home schooling website with a updated list of songs and activities. This part of the website is free but please note your cannot sign up for a Sing Up account.
- BBC Bitesize KS1 KS2 - Resources for listening and understanding music.
- BBC Ten Pieces KS2 - Fantastic resource with videos and activities on a variety of different pieces - more than the original ten.
- BBC Bring the Noise EYFS KS1 - Music activities and videos for younger learners.
- Berlin Philharmonic KS2 - The internationally acclaimed orchestra has made 600 concerts available free of charge (website in English).
- Classic For Kids KS1 KS2 - games, activities and music for young learners. See also their advice on other resources for home learning.
- Music Gurus KS1 KS2 - Instrumental lesson videos use code MUSICTOGETHER to get 100% discount.
- Music Theory KS2 Information on the building blocks of music and notation.
- Comisc Kids Yoga EYFS KS1 KS2 - mindful resources on Youtube from 3+
- Childline Tool Box KS1 KS2 - Games, activities and advice for young people to help manage emotions.
- BBC Supermoves KS1 KS2 - Fun curriculum linked resources to get children moving while they learn in English, Maths and PSHE.
- BBC Own It Upper KS2 - Support for older children in using technology and dealing with issues, including an app to allow children to take control and make smart online decisions.
- iMove EYFS KS1 KS2- short videos and resources to support movement, including workouts, yoga and pilates.
- Action for Happiness KS1 KS2 - calendars with daily activities for making the world a calmer and more mindful place.
- Babbledabbledo EYFS KS1 KS2 - 80 easy craft activities for children.
Think You Know have some brand new Home Learning Packs, with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at home. The packs are available for:
- Early Years
- KS1
- 8-10 Year Olds
- Mind - Information and support on wellbeing.
- Parent Info - Parent Info is a website for parents, covering all of the issues amplified by the internet.
Kirklees libraries have continued to increase the range and quality of their free e-book and e-audiobook service and now offer an extensive collection of homework topics to children and families. These are free to borrow and open to anyone who lives, works or studies in Kirklees – all they need is a Kirklees library card.
Our free e-book service https://kirklees.overdrive.
We have created videos showing how to set-up an e-book account, plus the library team are available by phone, e-mail and social media to help. For those who don’t have a library card, these can be set up online, which allows borrowers to start reading straightaway. You can view these and join the library at