Art and Design
Subject Overview

What do we want our children to learn in Art?
Please click to view our Progression of Knowledge and Skills in Art. This shows what we want our children to learn in Art at Norristhorpe.
Promoting Art and Design in the local community.
We are lucky enough to have our own display board within Heckmondwike library, and recently we worked with the library to come up with a new display. We wanted to help the library to promote their Library Adventures reading challenge, which has the themes of Animal Planet, Space Explorer, Rainforest, Spooky, Magical Lands and Oceans. We knew the children of Norristhorpe would be able to create some amazing designs, so we ran a competition to find some brilliant pieces to fill the display. We had so many fantastic entries that it took Mrs Sweeney and our Pupil Ambassadors days to choose the winners! The winners won art prizes and had their entries displayed for all to see at the library. Mrs Halewood put up the display with help from Sophie and William, and Mrs Sweeney. It looks amazing!
Lantern Land
This year we were invited to take part in Lantern Land, the annual community event which takes place at Hightown J I & N School. Children from different schools came together to make a fantastic range of lanterns from willow branches. Miss Taylor, Mrs Donovan and Mrs Pennington went to Hightown School with five excited and artistic children and they spent the day creating an amazing lantern version of Rapunzel’s tower! The lanterns all then went on show, lighting up the school playground for an evening for hundreds of visitors to see them. A great time was had by all!
At Norristhorpe, our Art, Craft and Design curriculum is designed to inspire pupils and develop their confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art. Our curriculum has been written by experts in their field and designed to give pupils every opportunity to develop their artistic abilities, nurture their talents and interests, express their ideas and thoughts about the world, as well as learning about the rich heritage and culture of the British Isles and beyond.
At Norristhorpe, our Art, Craft and Design curriculum is based on the scheme of work designed by ‘Kapow’. This supports pupils to meet the National Curriculum end of key stage attainment targets and has been written to fully cover the National Society for Education in Art and Design’s progression competencies.
The Kapow Art scheme of work is designed with four strands that run throughout.
These are:
• Making skills
• Formal Elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern, colour)
• Knowledge of artists
• Evaluating
Through our structured curriculum, these strands are revisited in every unit.
In our skills and our Formal Elements of Art units, pupils have the opportunity to learn and practice these skills discretely. The knowledge and skills from these units are then applied throughout the other units within the scheme. Key skills are revisited again and again with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model. This allows pupils to continuously revise and build on prior learning.
The Norristhorpe Art curriculum develops pupil’s knowledge and understanding of key artists and movements by linking each project to one or more contemporary, past, British or international artist.
Creativity and independent outcomes are embedded in our units, supporting our pupils to learn how to make their own creative decisions.
Lessons are practical in nature and encourage experimental and exploratory learning.
At Norristhorpe, we teach Art for at least one hour a week, in alternate half terms.
The Art curriculum at Norristhorpe is designed in such a way that children are involved in the evaluation of, dialogue and decision making about the quality of their individual outcomes and any improvements they could make. By taking part in regular discussions and decision making processes, children will not only know facts and key information about art but will be able to talk confidently about their own learning journey, have higher metacognition skills and have a growing understanding of how to improve.
The impact of our curriculum is monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities.
A Norristhorpe artist should leave school able to:
✓ Produce creative work, exploring and recording their ideas and experiences.
✓ Be proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture, and other art, craft and design techniques.
✓ Evaluate and analyse creative works using subject-specific language.
✓ Know about great artists and the historical and cultural development of their art.
✓ Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum.