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School Dinners


Catering Staff

Kitchen Staff 18

Mrs Middleton is the Catering Supervisor and Mrs Hall is the Cook with Customer Service Assistants Mrs Lodge and Mrs Lamb.


Free School Meals

Are you entitled to Free School Meals?  Follow this link for more information:


Applying for Free School Meals? Follow the link below taking you directly to the online form


If you require help with the form please ring 01484 221928


ParentPay - Payment for school dinners is by the online service ParentPay. It is a quick, convienient and safe alternative to cash. You can choose when and how much you pay but of course we do require payment in advance please. 

Every child is issued with information and individual login details for ParentPay. We also use this service for the payment of school trips etc. An alternative payment by PayPoint is also possible and details are included in the initial letter.


Our school dinners are prepared and cooked on site daily by an experienced team of catering staff in the school kitchen. There is a 2 week rotating menu. Each day there are at least 4 options to choose from of meat and non-meat dishes served with a salad or vegetables, or sandwich / wrap. Jacket potatoes, pasta and paninis are sometimes available.

To enable your child to receive their choice every day from the menu, we operate a "Banding System". Each morning all the children self select which meal they wish to have that day using an electronic device.  Mrs Middleton is then able to cook the required number of each type of meal.  The children are given a coloured wrist band depending on their choice which they take to the serving hatch at lunchtime.

You will find the School Dinner menus above, if you have a younger child you may wish to help them choose their dinner each day before they come to school.

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